Monday 9 November 2009


We should feel that all the time. We must.. because when you see really see out there, you're still better than others. Not that i say others are not better, but i tell you be thankful and be grateful. I wish you see it sooner than too late...

I have been in my bed, yes at the same one at the same number and seeing all these people with problems. My goodness, i tell you women punya problem ani is not to be taken lightly. You as a woman got to look after yourself. No matter what. Seriously... its sad when its too late and its really horrifying when you see it and when its you.. ITS HORROR!!

I don't know why God put me here for a week or probably more. I got this bit problem.. and i just think why me? But when i am placed here and see the rest and i said 'why them'? Now i saw one of the artist, a singer and a famous one too.. He came in here with his mother and other families.. just had a major operations and its very sad to see all this. I am horrified.. let be the person yang mengalami nya.. Its sad.. but what can i do.. i just see...

Allah let me see all this, maybe i haven't been taking care of me jua. May be not so but yes i did look after myself. ITS A WAKE UP CALL FOR ME!!!!! or maybe i have been working as a radio presenter and i need to tell all the woman in the world what need to do to look after themselves.. just have the time to look after themselves..


I felt like wanting to cry just by looking at them.. but why should i cry? why should i be the one to feel what i am feeling now? i have no relation to them but i know i am a woman like them too... and THIS IS A WAKE UP CALL!!

Woman with their problems and men with their problems too.. me? Just a minor problems but i am scared with this minor problems. Imagine the OTHERS???


Yeah.. i am in ward and i am engage.. I haven't got a chance to wear my ring. But i guess that's amazing. Em.. is the pictures right or wrong.. like em.. is it not okay to be engaged when you're lying in bed in ward? or is it not a good sign?

OH.... that's just kelakar lah. But anyway i'm officially engaged. And i have a fiance. Sounds cool and feel cool. How's that? What's so spcial about being engaged? Are you feeling the same thing too.. ?

Sunday 1 November 2009


wAH... i wanted to have a simple Akad Nikah.. then bila famili involve.. huhu no more simple like i imagine. This Akad Nikah will be in10 days and i am very excited. But also dalam excitment also ada sadness. I hope and pray that during the d day, someone i love be there too..

I have been looking for a beautiful gown like abaya and hijab..I wanted to have a different style and i found one pictures to my taste. Beautiful. The thing is i am getting married in 10 days and i have not start anything yet. I am going to be simple and bold.. heheh

I am going to get off-white satin and some french lace.. Let see if i can start from there. Just simple as possible. My heart beat hard eh.. Hey did i tell you i got my engagement ring already? Wah beautiful... once i have it i will post it here. You got to see it.. Oh so beautiful.. beautiful. I can't wait. And my wedding ring .. wah i still not yet tercari. I found one but uh.. get ready with the price.. B$5 ++ k. Wah lawa i would want that ring to be in my jari manis wen i nikah nanti.. but not pratical jua. I can get it perhaps when i become DIAMOND. And i will.

I hope this is it.. will post some more later... take care now.